Use a variety of new domain extensions for trademark registration!
Trademark holders get first priority in securing domain names desired. You can claim your trademark easily by entering your SMD file for selected extensions!
Everyone is not able to register a domain name when a new one becomes available. This
simply means when a new domain name is created there is a time period set for it to last and be
secured. This is commonly referred to for new generic toplevel domains (GTLD). As a
trademark holder you will be able to protect and secure your domain name from mischievous
registration actions. In short, the time frame of 30 to 60 days is in place which is referred to as
the Sunrise period. During this time TLD names can be registered by others.
You can begin this simple process by visiting
You will complete a number of steps including taking your new GTLD, submitting your
trademark information to TMCH (Trademark Clearinghouse), get details verified, and get
assigned a markdata file (SMD). This information will allow you to register any new GTLDs
you obtain.
The TMCH is a unique database that is part of the trademark verification process. It makes
sure the trademark being used is registered by appropriate agencies in relation to trademark use.
As a single access point for trademark holders, it makes it easy for people to register future new
GTLDs they want to launch. The TMCH offers a wide range of support services including
Sunrise registration, trademark claims, and oversight of trademark monitoring to ensure otherparties are not registering or using your trademark. You can learn more about TMCH by visiting
You can register trademark information at their website by visiting You also have the option of completing the
registration process with an authorized TMCH agent listed on their website at
TMCH details fee information which is outlined on their website. Keep in mind they may not
include fees associated with registering a domain name. The price of registration may vary
depending on the name you are using, but the application fee may be refundable.
No. This is not the same as preordering. The Sunrise registration process simply keeps your
domain name from being used by someone else while your domain name is being processed.
This is like a form of insurance for the trademark holder until the process is complete and
The domain name may be auctioned off to the highest bidder if multiple trademark holders
want to register the same domain name. You will need to have the Sunrise registration in place
in order to participate in the auction.
There is no special treatment given to trademark holders in regards to domain name
registration and the Sunrise period. It is highly recommended to secure your TLDs during the
Sunrise phase itself to ensure you get the name you want. It is not guaranteed you will get the
name you want if you don’t register during this period.
You will be contacted by us when you can start using your domain name. Time varies since
registries may wait until the Sunrise period is completed to allocate domain names. This may
occur before GTLD is available.
SMD File and Its Purpose
As a required process for registering domains in Sunrise, the Trademark Clearning House
(TMCH) needs to have information about your trademark in its database. This makes it
easier for you to claim the desired domain name you want.